Phases of the moon

Today in Science, Year 5 have been learning about the different phases of the moon. The Moon’s appearance changes over time when viewed from Earth. Sometimes, the Moon is not visible at all and at other times it can appear as a thin crescent, full circle – or somewhere in between. Read more…

Tornado in a Bottle!

Today in Geography, Year 5 have been learning all about tornadoes. They have learnt about how tornadoes are formed and the effect that tornadoes can have in the areas that they occur in. In small groups, they followed a set of instructions to create their own tornado in a bottle. Read more…

Geocentric versus Heliocentric

@ScienceWeekUK What are the theories of planetary movement in the solar system? In Year 5, our Science topic this term is Earth and Space. This week, we have been finding out about the theories of planetary movement and how they have changed throughout History. To begin with, 14 different pupils Read more…

World Book Day in Year 5

Today, we celebrated World Book Day with a range of different activities. To begin with the children had a mystery to solve! Pupils got themselves into pairs and then each pair was given a list of different items that had been left by mysterious book characters. Each pair had to Read more…

Year 5 maths ➕➖✖➗

This morning, year 5 have been playing maths games to finish off the successful term that we have had. After playing the different games with their partners, they then went onto design their own maths game. Children included multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, prime numbers, squared, cubed, fractions and decimals. Take Read more…