Exploring money in Year 2

This half term Year 2 have loved learning about and experimenting with money. We came up with all different ways to make the same amount and practised exchanging money and receiving change. We then decorated some biscuits and created a class shop where we walked round and chose which biscuit Read more…

Year 5 maths ➕➖✖➗

This morning, year 5 have been playing maths games to finish off the successful term that we have had. After playing the different games with their partners, they then went onto design their own maths game. Children included multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, prime numbers, squared, cubed, fractions and decimals. Take Read more…

Year 6 – Maths ➕➖

This week during Maths, we are using support from our peers to progress and exceed. In today’s lesson we looked at adding and subtracting decimals, we used games to develop our understanding. After the lesson, every child felt more confident and believed that had accomplished in the lesson. 🤩🌈