Phases of the moon

Today in Science, Year 5 have been learning about the different phases of the moon. The Moon’s appearance changes over time when viewed from Earth. Sometimes, the Moon is not visible at all and at other times it can appear as a thin crescent, full circle – or somewhere in between. Read more…

Tornado in a Bottle!

Today in Geography, Year 5 have been learning all about tornadoes. They have learnt about how tornadoes are formed and the effect that tornadoes can have in the areas that they occur in. In small groups, they followed a set of instructions to create their own tornado in a bottle. Read more…

Pop-Up Books

In Year 5 this term, the children are going to be designing and then creating their own pop-up books. In the first lesson, pupils looked at pop-up books for children and identified the mechanisms used and the target audience. Today, the objective of the lesson was to follow a set Read more…

Lino Printing

  In Art this term, Year 5 have been learning about lino printing. Lino Printing is a form of block printing that involves carving a pattern or design into a linoleum, rubber or vinyl surface that can then be printed from. In today’s lesson, we carved our final design into the Read more…