In DT this half term, Year 5 have been designing and then making their own pizzas.

To introduce the topic, the children completed a comprehension task all about the history of the pizza.

This was then followed by a lesson learning about how different foods make their journey from farm to fork. The children had three different food objects and they had to identify how these foods made their journey from farm to fork.

Next, it was time to finally taste some pizza! The children tried two different supermarket branded pizzas and as well as rating their taste and appearance, also investigated and discussed the nutritional value in each.

The next task was to design their own pizza with the aim to make it healthier than the examples they had tested from the supermarket. Once the children has decided on the ingredients they wanted to use they inputted this alongside the ingredients for the base into a website which created a nutritional label for them.

The children also considered how best they could market their pizzas, by creating a pizza box. There were some fabulous ideas!

The final task (and the one they enjoyed the most) was to finally make their pizzas. To do this, they had to first make the dough using flour, oil and warm water and once this had proved they were then able to add the toppings.

A great range of pizzas were created and thoroughly enjoyed by all! Well done Year 5!



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