Today in Science, Year 5 have been learning about the different phases of the moon.

The Moon’s appearance changes over time when viewed from Earth. Sometimes, the Moon is not visible at all and at other times it can appear as a thin crescent, full circle – or somewhere in between.

A Moon phase is the shape of the visible part of the Moon, and this changes gradually over the course of a lunar month. A lunar month lasts around 29.5 days and starts with a new moon – when the Moon is not visible at all. As the Moon moves around Earth, the illuminated section of the Moon’s surface starts to become visible and we see a thin crescent moon appear.

To show the different phases of the moon, the pupils worked in pairs or small groups to create a diagram with Oreo biscuits.

Each group made a great effort, but I think eating the Oreos at the end was the part of the lesson they enjoyed the most!


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