Today, two of the Year 6 Digital Leaders came into Year 5 to talk about being safe on the internet, linking to Safer Internet Day. They had planned some great activities, which really made the Year 5 pupils think about what they use the internet for and how to stay safe.


This first task challenged the pupils to write from A-Z the things that they enjoy doing on the internet. Some of the letters proved to be more difficult than others! This also allowed for the opportunity to discuss age limits on certain social media platforms such as Facebook and Tik Tok.

Give Me 3

This allowed the pupils to discuss with the Digital Leaders the positive and negatives of the internet. Pupils identified what they love and enjoy about the internet but also things they would like to change.

Where on the line?Β 

In this activity pupils organised online issues from best to worst. This was a great discussion point and created much debate!

The session ended with a Kahoot quiz which reflected what had been taught and discussed in the session. Well done to Emily and Daisy who came 1st!

Thank you so much to the two Digital Leaders for their time. Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed the lesson.



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