Investigating circuits

In Science this term, Year 4 are learning all about electricity. In today’s lesson, they were given images of 9 different circuits. Using the equipment, they had to recreate the circuit and discover whether it would light the bulb. Some of the circuits were more difficult than others, but Mrs Read more…

Year 3 Amazing Skeletons

This week in Year 3, we have been learning all about the different skeleton structures across animals and humans. The children enjoyed learning about the human bones, looking at x rays and learning about why different bonesΒ  are important in our body. We then compared our skeleton with that of Read more…

Year 4 Changing States

In Science this term, Year 4 are learning all about ‘States of Matter’. In today’s lesson, the children undertook some investigations into how materials can change states. Materials can be in three different states: solid, liquid or gas. When a solid turns into a liquid it is called melting. The Read more…