Water Polo

Today we took 7 children from Year 4&5 to take part in the Rochdale School Games Water Polo festival at Heywood Sports Village. This was a first competition for our children and they were amazing, they finished in 4th place. Their confidence grew throughout each game, and they all had Read more…

Phases of the moon

Today in Science, Year 5 have been learning about the different phases of the moon. The Moon’s appearance changes over time when viewed from Earth. Sometimes, the Moon is not visible at all and at other times it can appear as a thin crescent, full circle – or somewhere in between. Read more…

Sports Presentation

Last week, we attended the Heywood Schools Sports Presentation at Newhouse Academy. The evening was to celebrate all the success during competitions this academic school year, medals were presented for First place and runners up. We would like to say a massive well done to all the children who have Read more…

Year 5&6 Rounders

Today we took part in the Heywood Schools Year 5&6 Rounders competition at Newhouse Academy along with 4 other schools. This was another first competition for our children with little practise and they were amazing. Fantastic teamwork by all the children, we won 2 games and lost 2 games. Miss Read more…

Year 5&6 Handball

Today we entered the Heywood Schools Year 5&6 Handball competition. This was a first handball competition for our children and with little practise they did amazing. There was a mixture of results and all the children had lots of fun. Throughout each game we could see your confidence growing. Miss Read more…

Year 3&4 Mixed Dodgeball

Today we entered the Heywood schools Year 3&4 Mixed Dodgeball competition at Heywood Sports Village against 4 other local primary schools. This was a first competition for most of our players and they did an amazing job, some fantastic efforts. Well done Year 3&4.

Gymnastics Festival

Today 8 children from Year 4&5 took part in the Rochdale School Games Partnership Gymnastics Festival at Heywood Sparks Gymnastics. The children were joined by 7 other primary schools, and the aim of the Festival was for the children to have lots of fun experimenting lots of different equipment. During Read more…

Fun Swimming Festival

Today 8 children from Year 4&5 attended a Fun Swimming Festival at Heywood Sports Village. The aim of the event was to have fun and show some of the swimming stroke’s the children have been learning during their swimming lessons. All children were amazing and their confidence has improved massively, Read more…