Easter Fun in Year 2 🐣

This week we have been enjoying all things Easter. The children all brought something in for our Easter craft competition which they had all worked so hard on! They were on display outside the classroom all week and everyone commented on how amazing they were. We had Easter collages, Easter Read more…

This afternoon we had a very special visitor.. Beatrice’s mum came to read to us! She read us a very funny story.. Poo at the Zoo! It made us all laugh and Miss Forbes is going to have to purchase the book for our reading area! She also read a Read more…

Year 2 Science Competition

Along with four other schools, Heap Bridge were asked to come up with a science experiment and enter into a competition which was held at Hopwood Primary School. So this afternoon Miss Forbes, Miss Morris and six very excited children from Year 2 took part in the ‘Science Experiment Olympics’. Read more…

Year 2’s Book Week!

We have loved Book Week in Year 2! We enjoyed becoming illustrators.. We had a visit from Miss Davies who read us two books, she taught us all about what a fable stories and we wrote a book review on our favourite.. We LOVE our reading area, it’s cosy, comfortable Read more…

SCARF Workshop in Year 2

TheYear 2 absolutely loved the SCARF workshop this morning, they impressively remembered what each letter stands for and could explain the meaning of each word! S for Safety: Roman said ‘to keep ourselves and everyone around us away from harm’. C for Caring: Carson said ‘when you look after someone’. Read more…

The Queen’s Jubilee Tree

Our ECO Council have being taking part in something extremely special this week! We have been gifted one of the Queen’s Jubilee Tree’s, which we have planted in our woodland, to celebrate her long reign of 70 years. Together, we have used lots of tools to plant and secure the Read more…