Year 3 Exploring Rocks

This afternoon, we started our unit of work on rocks and soils. The children became science detectives to identify a range of rocks using a set of given criteria. We also explored how rocks are formed using chocolate. The children explored sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous formations.

Last Day of Year 2

Well.. what a fabulous day we have had! Lots of fun, laughter and even a few happy tears. Thank you to all the children for a wonderful day. I hope that everyone has a lovely summer and we will see you in September! Thank you for your support and lovely Read more…

Clay Animals

The children have been working with clay this half term, practising different techniques and designing their own models. The final creations are amazing and the children worked so hard. Well done Year 2! The children are very excited to take their models home.

Textiles in Year 2

In Year 2 we have been working hard to design and make our own pouches. The children have practiced sewing using a running stitch, I have been very impressed! They worked independently and really enjoyed learning to sew and have made some lovely pouches.

Easter Fun in Year 2

In English this week we created instructions for making Easter cakes. Today we followed the instructions and made yummy cakes! We had an afternoon of Easter games including an egg hunt and an egg and spoon race.

Year Two’s First Week Back

We’ve had a lovely week back together, it’s like we’ve never been away. Well done to all of the children in Year 2 for settling back into school so quickly. I have enjoyed chatting with you, hearing all your stories and seeing all your smiles back in the classroom. We Read more…