Year 3 Amazing Skeletons

This week in Year 3, we have been learning all about the different skeleton structures across animals and humans. The children enjoyed learning about the human bones, looking at x rays and learning about why different bonesΒ  are important in our body. We then compared our skeleton with that of Read more…

Year 3 Weaving in Art

This half term, we have been learning all about traditional art and craft work, particularly in the form of weaving. The children have explored using a range of media to weave with from paper and wool to rope, ribbon and wicker. Here is just some of the work we have Read more…

Year 3 Red Nose Day

Today we dressed in red to celebrate this years comic relief appeal. We have been very excited in Year 3 after finding not one but 2 Golden Tommy noses. The children had fun icing cakes and designing their own red noses.

Year 3 back together!

Well we have reached the light at the end of the tunnel and finally we are back together in our little bubble. It was lovely to have all the children back today. Lots of work done to settle back in, talking about worries and feelings along with having fun whilst Read more…