Crucial Crew

Yesterday, Year 6 went to Rochdale Football club to a Crucial Crew event. We went to the event to talk about safety as Year 6 become more independent and take their next step to high school. Whilst we were there, we were spoken to by the Police, British Transport Police, Read more…

PE – Year 6 cricket

Today, KS2 had a sports coach from Lancashire cricket club to teach us a range of cricket skills. Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed it and are really looking forward to next week. Take a look at some of the catching and batting skills we were practising.

Computing – Protocols and packets.

Year 6 have been learning all about how we communicate and connect through the internet. In this lesson, we learnt how information is shared through a network using packets that include an IP address. Take a look at how we became a human network and communicated through packets.