Computing in Year 1

This year in computing we have been developing understanding of the word technology, getting used to using a laptop and developing use of the mouse and keyboard. So far we have practised logging on using our username and password, created art work and typed our names.

Year 1 Local Area Walk

Today we have enjoyed a walk around our local area to help us develop knowledge for our topic ‘Houses and Homes’. The children enjoyed recognising familiar shops, streets and even some of their houses! We focused on developing knowledge about different types of houses such as terrace, detached, semi-detached, bungalow, Read more…

Transition into Year 1

The children had a lovely afternoon, exploring their new classroom and getting to know their new teachers. The children enjoyed working in the different areas of continuous provision, especially the construction area where they created some amazing models and the writing area where they wrote some super sentences!

Year 1 Pirate day

This term the children have worked very hard developing work and lots of work all about.. PIRATES! To celebrate we have enjoyed our pirate day and lots of pirate activities. We made treasure maps to help us find treasure. We decorated a pirate boat, biscuits and piece of treasure, walked Read more…

Year 1 Class Assembly

We have been working hard to learn our lines and songs for our class assembly, relating to our English unit (Traditional Tales). Today we performed Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the children were all amazing! Thanks to all of the adults that came to watch, the children were very excited Read more…

Plant Hunting

Today we had a plant hunt in the environmental area. The children enjoyed using their magnifying glass to look at the flower in detail. We were able to identify lots of common flowers.

Making our vehicles

In DT, we have been learning all about vehicles including how they move. The children are confident talking about wheels, axles and axle holders. We designed our own vehicles and today the children brought their designs to life. The children even used a saw and hammer to help them create Read more…

Smoothie making

We prepared the fruit and vegetables to make smoothies. Then we used a blender and the children made a prediction on which would be their favourite. I wonder if you can guess which one we liked best by looking at our facial expressions.  

Materials around us

In science we have been learning about materials. The children can identity what an object is made from, today we discussed the properties of these materials. The children each chose an object from around the classroom and told us the material and a property of the material. “It is made Read more…

Tortoises in Year 1

In science we have been learning about classifying animals. Today we had special reptiles visit our class.. Tortoises! The children loved touching the tortoises, holding the tortoises and feeding the tortoises. They asked some super questions.