Making playground structures in Y6

For this term’s DT project, Year 6 designed and created their own playground structures. They began by sketching designs of their structures, taking into consideration what makes a successful playground. They then used a range of materials to create 3D structures and the results were absolutely fantastic!

Playing with sound in Year 6

As part of their Computing topic looking at the history of computers, Year 6 spent the afternoon exploring ways of recording spoken words, music and sound effects. Next week we will further develop these skills and record our own Bletchley Park radio plays…I can’t wait to hear them!

Victorian hard labour in Year 6

This afternoon in History, Year 6 put themselves in the shoes of Victorian prisoners by completing various hard labour tasks! Afterwards we collected a bank of words describing how the tasks made us feel and wrote a diary entry from the perspective of a Victorian prisoner- the children really captured Read more…

Year 6 lung capacity testing

This afternoon Year 6 tested their lung capacities by blowing into balloons and using string the measure their circumferences. Before the experiment everyone made a prediction about who would have the largest lung capacity- there were some surprising results!  

Future heart surgeons!

This afternoon Year 6 continued developing their understanding of the circulatory system by dissecting lamb hearts! The children really enjoyed exploring different parts and making comparisons with human hearts. Whilst some children weren’t very keen on the smell, it was certainly a lesson which won’t be forgotten!